Phone: (512) 732-0111
(702) 988-2631
Technical Disputes
- Copyright Issues
- Defective Products
- Lost Electronic Data
- Trade Secrets
- Real Estate Disputes
- Patent Issues
- Domain Name Disputes
- Licensing Agreements
- Toxic Poisoning
- Building And Housing Defects
- Insurance Disputes
- Investment Disputes
- Trademark Issues
- Toxic Mold
Employment Law
- Executive Employment & Disputes
- The At Will Employment Doctrine
- Sexual Harassment
- Non-Complete Clauses
- Whistleblower Claims
- File Copyright?
- Understanding Libel and Slander
- Stealing Clients Or Client Lists
- Libel And Slander
- Worker's Compensation Retaliation
Office Locations
Austin, Texas 6101 West CourtyardBldg 2, Suite 100
Austin, Texas 78757
Phone: (512) 732-0111
Fax: (512) 732-0115 Las Vegas, Nevada 6600 Amelia Earhart Court, Suite C
Las Vegas, Nevada 89119
Phone: (702) 988-2631
Fax: (702) 456-2542
- Document Preparation of All Kinds
- Closing and Escrow (with or without title insurance)
- Creative Financing
- Wrap Notes
- "Nasty Letters" to opponents
- Temporary Restraining Orders
- Foreclosures
- Partnership Disputes
- Loan Servicing
- Credit Rehabilitation
- Creative Financing
- Traditional Financing
We have represented clients in Switzerland, Belgium, France, South Africa, British Columbia, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Florida, Colorado, Arizona, Nebraska, New Mexico, Massachusetts, Texas, Nevada, California, Philippines and China.
We handle investor disputes where fraud, failure to maximize the value of shares, breach of fiduciary duty or shareholder oppression are the primary issues.
We handle all manner of technology law issues, including copyrights, trademarks, cybersquatting, Digitial Millenium Copyright Act, trade secrets, domain name disputes, lost electronic data and more.
We handle all manner of construction, engineering and architectural design disputes, including, building and housing defects, defective automobiles, toxic poisoning, insurance disputes, Deceptive Trade Practices, insurance disputes, and all kinds of defective products.
We also handle all manner of employment disputes, including sexual harassment, breach of executive employment contracts, wrongful discharge, discrimination (age, sex and race), retaliation, whistleblower claims, non-compete clauses, libel and slander, stealing clients or client lists and more.
Attorneys Profiles

Attorney & Award-Winning Author
Dan Castro is both an attorney and an award-winning author. His book CRITICAL CHOICES THAT CHANGE LIVES has won the International Latino Book Award, the Parent to Parent “Adding Wisdom” Award, and was a Finalist for the Book of the Year Award, the Fresh Voices Award, and the Independent Publishers Award.
You can download the first chapter of this book free at
Dan Castro is an honors graduate of the University of Texas School of Law.

After retiring from the U.S. Air Force as a Lieutenant Colonel, James then attended The University of Texas Law School in Austin where he graduated three years later in 1995. During law school, James was the National Secretary of the Order of Barristers and won numerous oral advocacy awards, including Best Advocate at the National Judge Brown Admiralty Moot Court Competition in California. Based upon his advocacy achievements, he was admitted to The Order of Barristers as one of the ten best oral advocates of his graduating class of 500 students. James focuses primarily on personal injury and business litigation.
James also has a Masters Degree in Asian Studies from the University of Arizona and can speak basic Mandarin Chinese. He was certified in 2009 as one of the first foreclosure mediators in the State of Nevada. He is licensed to practice law in both Texas and Nevada. He currently resides in Las Vegas.